Sunday, 25 April 2010

Why are we dishonest?

This is a fiction based on my true interactions with different people. These are some explanations from different pople why they are dishonest.

I questioned auto driver...Why do you put false meters and charge more money from innocent travellers?
He replies; “I got my auto on finance. I need to pay instalment with huge interest to the money lenders. Banks doesn’t give me loans as I cannot offer anything as security. I need to bribe traffic police where ever I park wrongly. I need to take something to eat for my daughter everyday who is waiting for me... How could I do all this if I am genuine?

I questioned gynaecologist...Why do you do false caesarean operation during a baby delivery?
She replies; "I spent so much money on my education. I got seat by paying 50 lakhs as donation. I constructed this hospital by spending crores. If everybody has normal delivery, from where I would get my money back?"

I questioned traffic police...Why do you take bribe from public and poor auto drivers?
He replies, "I bought this constable post by paying 3 lakhs even after passing written exams and interviews.
What I would get with minimum wage that government gives me?"

I questioned grooms father. Why do you need dowry?
He replies," I spent so much money on my son and on his education. This is the only time I can expect some returns on my investment all throughout."

I questioned the ruling party...Why are you so corrupt?
It replies, "We should make hay when sun shines. We need to earn what is possible and in whatever way possible when we are in power. This makes party not only ready for next elections but also make it stable even if we lose few elections."

I questioned politician... Why are you so corrupt?
He replies;" I bought this party ticket by spending crores. I gave donations to the party and spent money in my respective constituency all throughout these years. I won elections by giving booze and money for the votes. When people are so corrupt taking money to cast their vote, How would you expect me to be honest and deliver a good goverance?."

At last I questioned poor Voter, Why do you to take money to vote?
He says, once in five years, I get a chance to drink free booze, my wife get one colourful sari and freebies for vote.I use the money to buy stuff that we need desperately at our house.
Who ever wins or loses our lives are not going to change. Why should we leave money that we are getting from these corrupt politicians?